1. Field of application
The following terms apply to the use of the internet presence under the domain “fashionaccess-card.de“ and for all contents of the pages operated by QHS for FASHION ACCESS CARD, in the following also called “Our internet presence”. The requirement for the use of our internet presence is that you as user accept the following regulations. You accept the regulations of use, application terms and information for data protection with the registration on our internet presence.
2a. Exclusion of liability
QHS is for whatever legal reason including tortious acts only responsible for such damages in connection with the use of this internet presence which were caused by intent or gross negligence.
QHS compiles the contents of the internet presence with greatest care. However, QHS cannot take over any guarantee for their current accuracy, correctness and completeness. QHS will endeavour to keep the internet presence free of viruses, Trojan horses and other malicious software, can however not guarantee freedom from malware. The user is expressly encouraged to make sure himself to take precautions for sufficient protection from malware.
QHS gives no guarantee for the continuous accessibility of the internet presence, or its fault-free operating, or that of the services offered via this internet presence.
2b. Exclusion of liability for links
Our website contains links to external websites of third parties, the contents of which we have no influence on. For this reason, we can take over no guarantee for these external contents. The respective supplier or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of the linked pages. Illegal contents were not detected at the time of linkage. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove these kind of links immediately. Continuously controlling the linked sites without concrete reason is not reasonable.
2c. Exclusion of liability for websites of third parties and contents of third parties
The pages of the internet presence also contain links to internet websites which are maintained by third parties and the contents of which are not known to QHS. QHS does not take over any responsibility for these contents and is not liable for any infringements there against legal provisions or violations of the rights of third parties, but only gives access to these sites.
We take on no liability for the contents and the correctness of advertising placements. The respective author is solely responsible for the contents of the advertisements; the same applies to the contents of the advertised website. Showing the advertisement on our internet presence does not mean that we also approve of the contents. The advertising customer has the sole liability.
3a. Copyright
The QHS Quadro Handel und Service GmbH has the copyright for all texts, pictures, graphics, sounds, animations, videos and other information and data published on our internet presence – unless otherwise indicated by the QHS Quadro Handel und Service GmbH. Any form of reproduction and/or modification must only ensue with our written permission. Otherwise we will take action against this infringement. The contents are subject to German copyright.
Contents on the website partly are subject to the copyright of third parties and are indicated as such. If you should all the same find a copyright violation, please kindly inform us correspondingly. If we gain knowledge of any violations, we will remove these contents immediately.
3b. Trademarks
Unless otherwise stated, all brands and logos in this internet presence are trademark protected in favour of the site operator or the participating fashion centres.
4. Reservation of the right of modification
At any time we have the right to change the terms of use..
5. Other
These terms of use are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the UN Sales Law. Place of jurisdiction for disputes concerning this internet presence is the head office of the QHS Quadro Handel und Service GmbH.
6. Severability clause
If one of the provisions of these terms of use should be or become ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions is not affected by this.